Recorded on | |
Presence status | |
Distribution description | North America, Europe and Asia. |
Notes on presence status | Recorded since 2005 also on St. Martin. Has also been reported as Anas crecca, referring to the subspecies Anas crecca carolinensis, which has been splitten in two valid species, of which Anas carolinensis occurs in the Dutch Caribbean. Rare winter visitor from North America. |
- Boer, B. de, Newton, E. & Restall, R. 2012. Birds of Aruba, Curaçao and Bonaire. Ardea Christopher Helm, London.
- Brown, A.C., Collier, N. 2006. New and rare Bird records from St. Martin, West Indies. Cotinga 23: 52-58.
- Peterson, G. 2016. Checklist Version 2, ABC Birds of Aruba. 16 pp. Aruba Birdlife Conservation.
- Peterson, G.M. 2018. Aruba Bird Checklist. 16 pp. Aruba Birdlife Conservation.
- Prins, T.G., Reuter, J.H., Debrot, A.O., Wattel, J. & Nijman, V. 2009. Checklist of the birds of Aruba, Curaçao and Bonaire, South Caribbean. Ardea 97: 137-268.
- Schets, P.-P. 2025. New Bird Species on Bonaire (2021-2024). [link]
- Wells, J.V. & Wells, A.C. 2017. Birds of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao: a site and field guide. 474pp. Cornell University Press.
- Yokoyama, M. 2013. The Incomplete guide to the wildlife of Saint Martin. Revised and expanded second edition. 131. sxm wildlife.