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Wild Banana Heliconia bihai


Heliconia [genus] (3)
bihai [species]


Heliconia [genus] (3)
bihai [species]


Recorded on
  • Saba
  • Sint Eustatius
  • Presence status
  • Indigenous (1) - Saba
  • Indigenous (1) - Sint Eustatius
  • Distribution description Lesser Antilles, Greater Antilles (Jamaica), northern South America and Brazil.
    Notes on presence status Specimens belonging to this species could be misidentifications of Heliconia caribaea Lam., according to Axelrod.


    • Boldingh, I. 1909. The flora of the Dutch West Indian Islands St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Martin. 321 pp. E.j. Brill., Leiden.
    • Boldingh, I. 1913. Flora voor de Nederlandsch West-Indische eilanden. 450. J.H. de Bussy, Amsterdam - Derde Uitgave van het Van Eedenfonds.
    • Howard, R.A. 1979. Monocotyledoneae. In: Flora of the Lesser Antilles, Leeward and Windward Islands. 3: 586. Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts.
    • Rojer, A. 1997. Biological Inventory of Saba. 87 pp. CARMABI Foundation, Curaçao.
    • Rojer, A. 1997. Biological inventory of Sint Eustatius. CARMABI Foundation, Curaçao.