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Tillandsia excelsa


Tillandsia [genus] (8)
excelsa [species]


Tillandsia [genus] (8)
excelsa [species]


Recorded on Saba
Presence status Indigenous (1) - Saba
Distribution description Native to southern America.
Notes on presence status Only reported by Boldingh from Saba, this could be a misidentification.


  • Boldingh, I. 1909. The flora of the Dutch West Indian Islands St. Eustatius, Saba and St. Martin. 321 pp. E.j. Brill., Leiden.
  • Boldingh, I. 1913. Flora voor de Nederlandsch West-Indische eilanden. 450. J.H. de Bussy, Amsterdam - Derde Uitgave van het Van Eedenfonds.