Recorded on | Sint Eustatius |
Presence status | Indigenous (1) - Sint Eustatius |
- García-Hernández, J.E., Voogd, N.J. de & Soest, R.W.M. van 2016. Sponges (Porifera) of St. Eustatius. In: Marine biodiversity survey of St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean, 2015. 23-31. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, and ANEMOON Foundation, Bennebroek.
- Hill, C.E.L, Lymperaki, M.M. & Hoeksema, B.W. 2021. A centuries-old manmade reef in the Caribbean does not substitute natural reefs in terms of species assemblages and interspecific competition. Marine Pollution Bulletin 169. [link]