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Cane Toad Rhinella marina

Photo: Michiel Oversteegen


Bufonidae [family]
Rhinella [genus] (1)
marina [species]


Bufonidae [family]
Rhinella [genus] (1)
marina [species]


Recorded on Aruba
Presence status Introduced (2) - Aruba
Natural distribution
  • N. America
  • S. America
  • Distribution description Tropical parts of South America, southern Texas, Mexico and Middle America. Introduced in many tropical areas as a biological control agent against insect pests on Sugarcane, amongst others Martinique, Hawai'i, the Philippines, Australia and New Guinea.
    Notes on presence status Introduced in early 1960s on Aruba from Colombia (van Buurt, 2001).


    • Brongersma, L.D. 1948. Frogs from the Leeward group, Venezuela and eastern Colombia. Studies on the fauna of Curaçao, Aruba, Bonaire and the Venezuelan Islands 3: 89-96.
    • Buurt, G. van 2001. De amfibieën en reptielen van Aruba, Curaçao en Bonaire. 119 pp. Gerard van Buurt, Curaçao.
    • Buurt, G. van 2023. Amphibians of Aruba, Curaçao, and Bonaire. In: The Conservation and Biogeography of Amphibians in the Caribbean. 524-537.
    • Buurt, G. van, & Debrot, A.O. 2012. Exotic and invasive terrestrial and freshwater animal species in the Dutch Caribbean. 1-37. IMARES, Wageningen.