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Bucktooth Parrotfish Sparisoma radians

Photo: Jeffrey T. Williams


Scaridae [family]
Sparisoma [genus] (6)
radians [species]


Scaridae [family]
Sparisoma [genus] (6)
radians [species]


Literature references linked to higher taxa

  • Buurt, G. van 2014. Caquetío Indians on Curaçao during colonial times and Caquetío words in the Papiamentu language. Some names of Animals and Plants in Papiamentu. 93pp. Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma & University of Curaçao. (Scaridae)
  • Robertson, D.R., Tassell, J. van 2015. Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean: online information system. Version 1.0. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panamá.. [link] (Actinopterygii)